Mass Effect 3 gives players far more customizable armor options, allowing them to mix and match pieces and get the best possible combination of stats. Access to some pieces will also be determined by the order in which Shepard runs Mass Effect 3 side missions. It will often be up to player preference and Shepard's class to help determine the best armor upgrades to use, though there are some that can suit a variety of classes and playstyles. Players will find a plethora of options in both base game and DLC for Mass Effect 3. Related: Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How to Get the Kestrel Armor
Instead, players will need to find or purchase armor pieces with static stats to upgrade from their default N7 armor set. In Mass Effect 3, there are ways to upgrade weapons, but not armor. Armor upgrading in Mass Effect 2 was universal once Shepard researched an upgrade, it applied to any armor they equipped and could even apply to squadmates. Armor upgrades work a little differently in each remastered game included in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and Mass Effect 3 gives players the greatest freedom to choose upgrades and pieces for their style and class preferences.