Storms end game of thrones

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Martin teases the release of Winds of Winter in 2021 Over the years, Martin has released several Winds of Winter chapters from multiple points of view. Arya Stark was also mentioned, and, as always, she intends to kill someone. The ones he was focusing on, as of June 2020, were enemy siblings Cersei and Tyrion Lannister, Ser Barristan Selmy, Asha Greyjoy (known as Yara in the HBO TV series), and Areo Hotah, the captain of the Martell guard. With most distractions removed, and journeys abroad replaced by Zoom calls, Martin had plenty of time to spend with his characters. It looks like this might finally be paying off. While reasonably tired of living in isolation, the 71-year-old author mentioned that he is keeping a regular, if a bit dull routine and tries to stay healthy. Martin informed them that he was spending quarantine in an actual cabin… and it looks like something good might have come out of it. In a turn of events, fans would never have been able to foretell a few months earlier, George R.

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Over the years, many fans have yearned for Wind of Winter updates, wondering why Martin is taking so long to finish writing it.